Tuesday, September 17, 2013

China trip 2013 travel journal

China travel journalTravel journal made by See Jane RunInside of travel journal

China trip 2013, a set on Flickr.

Wanted to post copy of the journal I will be using on my trip. Let me tell you this is the first thought I had for a journal. I purchased it in February at An Artful Journey vendor night from Jane of See Janr Run.

I agonized over what to use for weeks. Last night it came to me, use the book you see, it is light weight, colorful, has the paper I like, envelopes to collect data and 4 sections that will capture each segment of this adventure. I am so excited.

Random Thoughts Tuesday: On the Road Again

The Willie Nelson song is floating around in my head.  I am getting ready to leave Sept. 18th for the trip of a lifetime.  It seems so weird to me, but it is so true and I am so blessed.

I am going to CHINA.  Just typing those words gives me chills.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would be able to do and accomplish many of the things I have done in my life.  If you ever want to see evidence of the Lord working in someone's life, I am the poster child for it.

In the past 19 years I have been to France, Italy, Hawaii, Switzerland, Monaco and many of the Caribbean Islands.  I have seen many of the states in our own country, I have taken train rides through he Rocky Mountains, through the Alps, through New Mexico and the Appalachians of West Virginia.  I have been to Art Retreats in Port Townsend, Washington, Los Gatos California and Orvieto Italy.

I have saved and scraped to be able to have these adventures and it has been so worth it.  I smile as I write these words because I know just how special this time of my life is.  I have no complaints only many thank you's.  Life is short, so it might as well be interesting.

Yes I am on the road again, looking at the wonders of the world.  Hey, wouldn't it be cool to make pilgrimages to see the 7 wonders of the world?  I mean really.......

Not sure if I will be able to post while I am way, but I will try.  If not, I will definitely post when I return.

So for now, Life Book 2013 and 29 faces of September are on hold until I get back.  I will be capturing the beauty with pictures and in the deep recesses of my mind,  I may even try to sketch a bit (not sure how that will turn out).  But one thing I do know, I will soak up as much as I can.  Wrap it up in my spirit and return home with a new zest for life and love for all of God's creations.

Well time to hit the road....later, Pilgrim

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 13 of 29 faces challenge - Photo Friday

Day 13 of 29 faces challenge by momoo50
Day 13 of 29 faces challenge, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

I have been participating in a project called 29 faces challenge in September.  I have been posting faces daily.  Some have been recently drawn and some were drawn earlier this year.  I have learned a lot and been working on art daily.  I think I am improving, but there is still along way to go.  Having fun with the process.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inkblot butterfly week 37 life book

Inkblot butterfly by momoo50
Inkblot butterfly, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

This mixed media painting represents harmony, my word for the year.

Random Thoughts Tuesday - No thought at all

Sometimes there just are not any profound thoughts or words coming forth.  There has been so much going on in the last few days, friends diagnosed with Cancer, the world on the verge of war, Civil Wars in the middle east so much pain, so much confusion, 

I just need a space with some quiet, some space with a little peace.  Sometimes I wish everyone would just go somewhere, sit down, shut up and PRAY!!!

That is as random as I can get today.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Photo Friday - this week in art.

Day 6 of 29 days of faces challenge

This painting is based on  lessons from Mindy Lacefield.  The face is very simple.  It is drawn on an index card (I was participating in the index card project sponsored by Daisy Yellow).  In trying to find my voice, my artistic voice, I find that I like simplicity and a bit of whimsy.  Yep, that is just me.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Day 5 of 29 faces challenge.

Day 5 of 29 faces challenge. by momoo50
Day 5 of 29 faces challenge., a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

The drawing today was done with Paper 53 a drawing app on my iPad.  I am trying to learn to do digital drawing.  It is just fun.  I find that I am wanting to experiment more with my art.  I am becoming more comfortable in my artistic skin.  This week I have spent two whole days painting, this is a first, but the days were so relaxing.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Day 3 of 29 Faces

Day 3 of 29 Faces by momoo50
Day 3 of 29 Faces, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

Today I am going to be a little boastful.  I love this painting.  I started drawing and painting faces in April of this year and with lots of practice I have come a long way, trust me.  I still have to talk myself into showing the finished product, or even trying, but once I start, it is really relaxing and I do enjoy it.

I still have a lot of practicing and work to do and that is just as it should.  My goal is to fill a sketchbook with practice drawings and note the changes over time.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  

Random Thoughts Tuesday: 2014 plans for Online Classes

2013 has been a very busy year from an online art class perspective.  I have been meaning to write down a list of all of them so I can keep up. Some how I have not done that yet, but I know for sure it is a lot.  Hence the decision to limit the number of online classes for 2014.

While it is a lot of fun to participate in these classes, it is not always wise.  At least this is true for me.  I find that I get so busy that I forget to just try and paint or draw something on my own just to see if I can do it.  In fact I am kind of hesitant to try, but I feel this call to branch out on my own no matter the result.

The picture above was a lesson from Life book 2013.  I drew and colored it while I was on the train, as a result, I had to vary from the lesson just a bit and it was great.  I felt empowered.  I also participated in ICAD from Daisy Yellow,  it was a free project where you drew or painted on index cards using a prompt or a suggestion of a theme.  This was a hoot to do because I was left to my own imagination as to what I would create and I must admit that some of the cards were really cool.

So, this is my plan for 2014.  I am going to sign up for two (maybe 3 if one just calls to me) on-line classes; participate in the inspiration card swaps sponsored by Jessica Brogan (I love this); Hope ICAD is held so I can participate; designate at least 2 days a week for my own thing.

It will be so interesting to see if I follow through on my plan.  Only time will tell.  In the mean time I will enjoy the rest of this year learning and growing. 

Monday, September 02, 2013

Day 2 of 29 faces

Day 2 of 29 faces by momoo50
Day 2 of 29 faces, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

I like participating in Challenges such as this.  It requires me to be present and work on my craft.  I love the eyes on this portrait.  I have been working to make the eyes more expressive and less like a deer looking at headlights.  They are coming together and I am pleased.  I still have to talk myself into drawing faces, however I notice that I have come a long way since April when I took an expressions online class taught by Regina Lord.  I should practice more and I will.

I have to work on the nose more; that is my next challenge.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

day 1 29 faces challenges

Male portrait by momoo50
Male portrait, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

This portrait will help me get started with this challenge. I was drawn a while ago as i learned to draw and paint faces.

I realized today that I have to find ways to open up and work freely without restraint.

Day 2 portrait is in progress