Monday, August 25, 2014

Learning New Techniques Art Journal Techniques and Tangents - Grids

Second segment of AJT&T Number 4

First segment of AJT&T Number 4

 Base background for Pages

After the 61 days of Index Card a Day Challenge was done.  Tammy Garcia developed another project, Art Journal
Tangent and Techniques.  Each Friday in August a journaling technique was shared.  Many of the techniques were taken from Classes Tammy had taught in the past.  I am going to write about them, not in any particular order; rather by the way they made me feel.

The technique I am showing today was about making random squares (a grid if you will) using acrylic paint and a wide paint brush.  First I thought about the book that I would use and the Junk Mail journal came to mind.  I really love this book, but because the pages are brightly colored papers and glossy cards it was going to take a lot of work gessoing each page.   But, but, but.....these squares are simply perfect for covering the page and then creating magic.  Magic I tell you.

Ok, just a little dramatic, but the outcome is something I really love.  Because I have to make my own interpretation to any project,  the squares took on a life of their own.  Inchies, rectangles, 2 inches, horizontal rectangles, vertical rectangles shaped by the collage images I chose to put on the paper.  I finally feel comfortable collaging.  I can finally relate to the concept and I am in love.  

Summer is almost over.  The staycation ends next Sunday.  It has been a blast.  I have had so much fun creating and learning not just about art, but also about myself.

Thanks for stopping by and please say hi.  Comments make me so happy.
