So, why is this so important? Because it is my third class trying to do this. I have been book binding chaallenged. What was the difference you ask? We spent six hours doing nothing but learning the technique and since I am a slow learner, that is what I needed. In my other classes, we painted and prepared our pages and then learned the binding technique in the afternoon. I am a very visual person and need to see you do it slllloooowwwlllly, so I can understand.
My last class on Saturday, March 31st, was "Get Your Sheet Together" and was taught by my good friend, Brenda Beene Shackleford. She assured me that I would be able to complete a book. I was very skeptical; but I had to support my friend who was teaching her first class.
The class worked together on book 1. Brenda took us step by step through the process and Lo and behold, I completed the book. Whoo Hoo. But wait, it gets better.
Oh Yeah, that's right, you got it (can you see me doing the happy dance). I completed a second book right after lunch. This time we worked on our own and Brenda came around answering questions and offering advice.
I was having so much fun and pretty proud of myself too.
The first picture is of BOOK NUMERO TRES
I felt Happy and validated. I had done something I told myself I could not do. Now, I want you to understand the key phrase here, "I told myself I could not do it." So for the past two years, I have been a bumbling idiot trying to learn similar techniques for book binding and failing miserably because I TOLD MYSELF I COULD NOT DO IT.
Now to the good part. I have been so busy since I returned from ArtFest that I have not had a chance to really work on anything since I got home. First it was Holy Week and I was very involved in the liturgy at my church, St. Thomas More Community Catholic (shameless plug) in Henderson Nevada. Then, I had to do my taxes (had to pay so no need in doing them any earlier), and I work from home so I was really busy. Oh yeah, the good part:
Guess who made this book........ME a couple of years ago using Kente Cloth and a simple sewing technique. What is the difference? I was at home by myself, figuring things out looking at youtube instructions.
I was not allowing myself to be intimidated, thinking I was not good enough to be with the other talented artists around me.
I know it seems crazy, and I have been laughing at myself for a couple of days. So what did I get out of this very special time at ArtFest2012? The privilege to BELIEVE IN ME and for that I will be eternally grateful. Teesha and Tracy, thank you for offering a place where I could come and meet the likes of Orly Avineri, Brenda Shackleford, LK Ludwig (who was so very patient with me), Jill Berry, Lisa Bebi, Theo Ellsworth, and any other teacher I may forgotten. Teachers who gently nurtured me and allowed me to "Create, Not produce" (I get it Orly). Thank you for providing an opportunity to make so many friends that I cannot mention them here, but you all know who you are. Most of all, thank you for allowing me to finally get the message.....BELIEVE IN ME.
Yahoo! I took misty mawn's class open up (book making) and now that I am back home I want to get this down the stitching was very hard for me so I understand what you were saying i even heard myself say "you may not be able to figure this out when you get home"...but after reading your post and seeing all your beautiful books...i am changing that voice around to "I know you can figure it out:)"
You go girl....that is what it is all about. What messages are we sending to ourselves? I want to see pictures when you are done.
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