Monday, August 25, 2014

Learning New Techniques Art Journal Techniques and Tangents - Grids

Second segment of AJT&T Number 4

First segment of AJT&T Number 4

 Base background for Pages

After the 61 days of Index Card a Day Challenge was done.  Tammy Garcia developed another project, Art Journal
Tangent and Techniques.  Each Friday in August a journaling technique was shared.  Many of the techniques were taken from Classes Tammy had taught in the past.  I am going to write about them, not in any particular order; rather by the way they made me feel.

The technique I am showing today was about making random squares (a grid if you will) using acrylic paint and a wide paint brush.  First I thought about the book that I would use and the Junk Mail journal came to mind.  I really love this book, but because the pages are brightly colored papers and glossy cards it was going to take a lot of work gessoing each page.   But, but, but.....these squares are simply perfect for covering the page and then creating magic.  Magic I tell you.

Ok, just a little dramatic, but the outcome is something I really love.  Because I have to make my own interpretation to any project,  the squares took on a life of their own.  Inchies, rectangles, 2 inches, horizontal rectangles, vertical rectangles shaped by the collage images I chose to put on the paper.  I finally feel comfortable collaging.  I can finally relate to the concept and I am in love.  

Summer is almost over.  The staycation ends next Sunday.  It has been a blast.  I have had so much fun creating and learning not just about art, but also about myself.

Thanks for stopping by and please say hi.  Comments make me so happy.



Christine said...

Glenda -- experimenting and giving ourselves permission to "fail" (although every less-than-successful attempt has taught me something) really means massive success! I've had some real bombs this summer, but I've come away with some new information -- so that's a good thing. Congrats on having such a lovely and productive staycation. You continue to be an inspiration!!

Pilgrim said...

Christine thanks so much for your kind comments

Bhane said...

Glenda, so love the project! Wish I could re-create it. -Hugs :) Vanessa

Pilgrim said...

Vanessa, feel free to recreate in your own style, I know it will be great.

MB Shaw said...

Beautiful. I so love grids!

Sandra Martin - Creative Breathings said...

I love how your page turned out so earthy. Even though some of the images are brighter, everything seems a little subdued. +1'ed your blog. Happy creating!!!

Pilgrim said...

Thank You Mary Beth, this is my first time doing a grid, but I do love it.

Pilgrim said...

Thank you Sandra.

Marjie Kemper said...

This spread looks like it was really fun to make - the best kind of pages!

Pilgrim said...

Marjie, it was fun and very freeing