Monday, November 07, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 6

I am a day behind and that is ok.  This has been a busy time for me, but I am still keeping up with doing some kind of art daily.

Quirky Bird - Being Me
Sometimes I feel like this bird, quirky and not part of the norm.  That is ok because I am accepting who and what I am.  I am just being me.  it is a privilege to have art as a release and a way of expression.  I am just learning to appreciate this wonderful privilege.  Knowing that I do not have to be like anyone else, that I can keep learning every day how to use art to heal and express.  How blessed am I?

Also including a copy of my other art project today, putting up my Christmas Village

My Christmas Village.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 5 - Rosy Cheeks

Rosy Cheeks
This is the first time in a long time that I have done a face.  I am still very insecure (and it is all in my head) when it comes to painting faces; however, I think I am going to practice more.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 4 - Smashing Pumpkins

Yesterday's painting was a coloring book page combined with a painted background.  Today's is an original painting using acrylic paint and a simple idea.  The one think I appreciate about this challenge is that you can use a wide mixture of media.

My second takeaway is that I am doing this for fun and to establish my daily art practice.  I am learning to be vulnerable and to take that vulnerability to the page.

Third, this month is about fun, I just want to have fun.

Pumpkins Running Away

Thursday, November 03, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 3 - Fashionable


Ok, I really had fun with this one. I was looking through magazines for an image to use as collage fodder for this prompt when I happened upon this gorgeous page in Flow Magazine.  The paper in flow is very thin so I copied it on card stock because I wanted to paint the lady.  I used Derwent Inktense Block for painting and glitter gel pens for shading.  The shading process was color a line and then smear with finger while wet.  The background around my lady is painted with adirondack ink from an ink pad using stencil brushes.  The page that it is glued to was finger painted with acrylic paint.

One thing I like about Nanojoumo is the ability to use many different types of media while creating journal pages.

Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 2 Prompt In Bloom

A Bee can never resist a flower in bloom
Today was a real adventure,  I am trying to learn and get comfortable with layering and blending in the colors.  In fact that should be one of my goals for the next 30 days.  I am getting much better drawing flowers.

What will tomorrow bring.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

#Nanojoumo day 1 up in a tree.

Up in a Tree
New challenge for the month of November.  Not sure if I am going to be able to complete a painting every day because I have a lot of projects for this month, but I will be posting something as often as possible.

I love NANOJOUMO which means National non-stop journaling month. This is one of my favorite challenges.  My journal is an altered yearly journal I purchased in Italy two years ago.

See you soon....

Monday, October 31, 2016

#inktober Day 31 - A day at Sea

A day at sea before winter

Today is the last day of #Inktober.  I cannot believe how quickly this month went by.  I had such a great time making a little drawing each day for 31 days.  It is amazing how much you can fit on a 4x6 page.

When I first started I was using prompts I found on Creativebug as part of their 31 days of creating classes.  After a while I realized that I did not need this help.  I could think of things I wanted to draw.

Lessons learned:

  1. the swatch of color was a nice way to add texture and contrast to the black ink
  2. drawing small can be fun
  3. I need to learn how to photograph my drawing a little better
  4. I really can draw, I just need to take my time
  5. you can create everyday regardless of you have an hour or 10 minutes, do something
  6. i have to keep up this practice.
Well I am putting my Inktober book up until next year.  Now it is time to work in my new Nanojoumo journal starting tomorrow.

#Inktober Day 30 - Camera

Oops, I forgot to post this last night.  It was late and I was tired, what can I say.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

#inktober Day 28 - Hand Zentangle

Hand Zen Tangle

I will readily admit, I need MUCH more practice on hands especially when I try to draw them Free hand (no pun intended).  I also feel tangle challenged, so I wanted to give them a chance also.  It was fun to think of this and give it a go.

I must say that Inktober has given me an opportunity to really try new things and have fun.  November will be the NANOJOUMO Challenge. I cannot wait to continue to stretch.