Saturday, February 04, 2017

Day 4 of 29 Faces

Day 4 looking away

Trying something new everyday Boy do I need to practice noses.

See you tomorrow

Friday, February 03, 2017

Day 3 of 29 Faces

Face in the shadows

I wanted to try painting the page and using that as the painting and shading for the face.  The Sketchbook I am using has gray paper and the photo came out sort of shadowy faded (if there is such a description) but I really like it.  I do however, think I am going to switch to a book with lighter paper.

see you tomorrow

Thursday, February 02, 2017

29 Faces Challenge Day 2 - Dapper Dude

Sketch based on photo from Sktchy App
This is day 2 and boy was it fun.  The sktchy app is fodder for ideas.

see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

29 Faces Day 1

Day 1 Graphite drawing

Ok, Day one is done.  Felt good to try this again.  Hope I make it the whole 29 days.

see you tomorrow

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

31 Day Blogging Challenge day 31: I made it!!!!!!!

2012 - First attempts at face


The last day of January....Blogged the entire month. There were some two-fees but hey I am pretty busy.  It has been a very eventful month, but I have for the most part enjoyed it.  Blogging has been fun.

Tomorrow is February first and a new challenge will begin. I am going to be participating in 29 Faces challenge and will be blogging about it here.  29 Faces is a twice a year challenge sponsored by Ayala Art and is held in February and September.

I am going to give it my best to try and draw a face everyday; and, I am going to try and treat each day as an adventure so who knows what will happen.  I know it will be fun.

My faces have improved over time; but I have not drawn faces in over a year, so it is almost like starting from scratch.  Hmm this could prove interesting.

It has been blogging this month.

see you tomorrow with the first face.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

31 day Blogging Challenge day 28: Silent Saturday sites in Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Lemon Plant on Winery in Sorrento

Amalfi Coast 

Amalfi Coast


Downtown Palermo, Sicily
see you tomorrow.

Friday, January 27, 2017

31 Day Blogging Challenge Days 26 and 27: There are no words

This week I have been working on a commissioned knitting project and quietly watching the interesting events happening in our world.  I am not in shock, because it is nothing less than I expected; however, I feel the need to embrace the beauty of these photos I have taken, they make me smile.

Tomorrow is Silent Saturday....Hurray.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

31 day blog challenge days 24 and 25: Random thoughts

Bright Yellow
My Interpretation of mountains

Photos and speaking to my soul.  As this month comes to a close, I am thinking about what I am going to challenge myself to do in February.  I have an idea that I think I am going to commit to, and quite a few projects that should be fun.  I just want to spend some time quietly enjoying life.

see you tomorrow.

Monday, January 23, 2017

31 day Blogging Challenge Day 22 and 23: Jollyologist

Sunset at Fort Worden in Washington State.

This is one of my favorite photo's.  Sometimes I amaze myself with the photo's I take using my phone.

I spent the weekend in Springdale, Utah which is in the Zion National Park Area.  I went to attend a Women's Retreat.  It was a wonderful retreat.  The theme was Self, Others, God.  There was a story that touched me very deeply.  It was about a mother raccoon who gave everything she had to everyone else until she was depleted.  I could so relate to being so busy helping others that I neglect take time to rest and refresh.  The question becomes how much help can you be to others, and how can you serve God, if you are too busy or too tired.  For me this is really food for thought.

We watched a movie about the 4th Wiseman.  It was a story about the fourth Magi that wanted to go along with the three Wisemen who were following the star to where Jesus lived.  The fourth Wiseman sold all that he had and tried to get others to go with him. His father granted his desire to go and sent with him one of his slaves to travel with him in return for his freedom when they returned.  They traveled for over 30 years trying to see the Messiah; however, time was spent helping others along the way.  While the main character was the 4th Wiseman; I was struck with the plight of the slave.  This man spent 30 years complaining.  He faithfully sent letters home detailing their adventures as they traveled; at first his missives were very polite and hopeful; then they became plaintive cries for relief and desperation; then resignation that they never return home.  He refused to help members of a leper colony, spent his days in the City while the 4th Wiseman (a doctor by trade) tended to the needs of the people in the colony.  I do not want to tell you how the movie ends because I hope you will take time to find it give it a viewing.

On Saturday evening we watched a video The Joy of Stress by Loretta LaRoche.  She used the term Jollyologist.  This word simply cracked me up and I just had to embrace it because the term asks us to spend time bring joy or at least a good laugh to people we interface with each day.

This was really a great weekend.  I learned a lot, laughed a lot and decided that I am going to take more time to relax and enjoy the embrace of God.

see you tomorrow.