Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December Adventure; Low Cost/No Cost

Christmas Lights at Ethel M's Chocolate Factory and Botanical Cactus Garden.  

Every year the cactus garden of Ethel M's is converted to a Christmas lights extravaganza with over 50,000 lights covering the various cactus plants.  It is a virtual feast for the eyes and the photo's do not do it justice.

This is the second installment of my Low Cost/No Cost adventures.  Touring the cactus garden is free.  There is a store/gift shop that has all sorts of chocolates.   My friend Marge and I decided to go this evening and just enjoy the sights; it was truly a lot of fun.

If you are a visitor in the Las Vegas Area, you can drive to Ethel M's (it is located in Henderson, NV) or you can take public transportation.  From the Strip you would take the SDX bus to the South transit terminal and transfer to the Sunset Bus (212) east.  Get off the bus at Sunset and Sunset Way; walk across the street and enjoy.  Since some of the Hotels on the Strip are charging parking, public transportation is a very viable option.

I will probably have one more adventure this month as I HAVE to go back to the Bellagio to see the Christmas display in the Observatory.

Add caption

Until next time, look for ways to enjoy your city no cost/low cost.  Share what you find out.

 Merry Christmas...pilgrim

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Low Cost/No Cost Adventures in Las Vegas

Hi, I am starting a new series about adventures in and around Las Vegas.  I initially thought of this at the beginning of the year and got busy with other things.  However, I have been doing a lot since my birthday and thought it was time to act.

Adventures on budget is really important to me, especially when living on a fixed income.  So for the next two years, I am going to be researching low cost Las Vegas adventures and posting about them here on my blog.  You dear reader can do the same thing in your city.  Let's get started

Bellagio Conservatory

My adventure today was to the Bellagio Conservatory.  The fall display will be closing on November 25th so I had to get there and today, Nov. 21st, was perfect.  Nice weather and it is FREE!!  I took the bus down to the strip and there is so much to see.  The Christmas display opens the first week of December and I am planning to visit it.

Photo's from this adventure:  Fall Display

Too the City Center Tram to the Monte Carlo Hotel and walked through the hotel on a quest to find the Strip.  Got a little lost but a nice guard gave me direction to walk through a really cute park that was across the street from the T-Mobile Arena.

T-Mobile Arena

As I entered the park, I saw men setting up the Christmas Tree display

Tree set up in progress.  Will be sure to take a photo of the finished product.

I did not spend any money on this adventure, took my own bottle of water (water is really expensive on the Strip).  Next time I am going to pack a light lunch and take a journal.  I think this is going to be a fun project and I am going to create a list of more places to visit.

Until the next adventure, peace and love....pilgrim adventurer.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

A Bright Spot on the Horizon

Let there be light
I have finally decided to work on journal pages from my own thoughts and desires.

This page started out with just the background of buff's and grays.  I loved the neutrality of the colors.  I sat with it for a couple of days trying to figure out where the page would take me.  As I listened to the news events of the week and the sadness from the shooting here in Las Vegas on Oct. 1st followed by the attack on innocent bicyclists in New York,  I wanted to bring a bright spot to my world.

The end result is this thought:  "No matter how bleak my world may seem....There is always a bright spot on the horizon."

until next time.....pilgrim

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week 5 End of #Inktober

Well it is over my friends.  #Inktober has been a real help to me this year.  Drawing, coloring and typing these blog poses has been a perfect part of my therapy.  

The month went by so quickly.  Tomorrow starts my favorite month of the year, November.

see you soon,,,,,pilgrim

Inktober Week 4: 10-22 to 10-28-2017

This week was a mixture of African designs and tangles.  It was so fun.

Progress this week:

Open the snaps on pants hangers with right hand and did not hurt.  Progress

Inktober is almost over and I have enjoyed every minute every small drawing,  I have used the same book for the past two years; however there are only a few pages left so I will start a new book next year.  I already have it, it is so cute.

Have a blessed week....pilgrim

Friday, October 27, 2017

Inktober October 15 to 21 - Doodling can be fun

I have to say that I am really getting to like this Zentangle/doodle process.  I have done it before, but I was never comfortable with it.  Mainly because I have been guilty of at looking at what other's do and think that I could never be as good.  I know, I know, I should not think like that but sometimes old habits are hard to break.  Anyhoo, I have started to enjoy the randomness of it all.  I have a couple of reference books that I am using, one is dedicated to African symbols that I bought years ago.  Plus I am just making some up (that is a lot of fun).

Accomplishments this week:

  • Able to comb my hair with my right hand and no pain
  • typing on the compter is getting faster, although my hand does hurt if I work too long so I work in shifts
  • I can use scissors with my right hand, thank goodness
  • Writing is getting more comfortable
  • ring finger is getting closer to touching palm slow but steady

Inktober Day 15

Inktober Day 16

Inktober Day 17

Inktober Day 18

Inktober Day 19

Inktober Day 20
Inktober Day 21
This was a fun week....pilgrim

Monday, October 16, 2017

Inktober - Week 2

Inktober Day 9

Inktober Day 11

Inktober Day 12

Inktober Day 13

Inktober Day 14
Inktober Day 7

Inktober Day 8
Second week of #Inktober 2017.  This is both fun and therapeutic.

Until next week.....pilgrim

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Inktober week 1

October first was the beginning of Inktober.  I participated last year and it was fun so I thought I would give it a go again this year.  I thought about working on Zentangles and improving my process with 31 days of practice.

Since drawing is a part of my home exercise program it turns out that working on Zentangles and doodles is perfect because of the intricate details.  This week I have better control in setting up my work for photo's so here is week one's offering.

October 1st

October 2nd

October 3rd

October 4th

October 5th

October 6th

October 7th
Holding the pen and pencil to do this work takes a lot of time and patience because it does hurt; but if I am going to gain my range of motion and strength in the joints of my fingers on my right hand, this is type of work I need to do.  I am so blessed that part of my therapy encompasses things I love to do.

Hmmmm, what will next week bring?  Stay tuned........see you soon pilgrim