The Willie Nelson song is floating around in my head. I am getting ready to leave Sept. 18th for the trip of a lifetime. It seems so weird to me, but it is so true and I am so blessed.
I am going to CHINA. Just typing those words gives me chills. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would be able to do and accomplish many of the things I have done in my life. If you ever want to see evidence of the Lord working in someone's life, I am the poster child for it.
In the past 19 years I have been to France, Italy, Hawaii, Switzerland, Monaco and many of the Caribbean Islands. I have seen many of the states in our own country, I have taken train rides through he Rocky Mountains, through the Alps, through New Mexico and the Appalachians of West Virginia. I have been to Art Retreats in Port Townsend, Washington, Los Gatos California and Orvieto Italy.
I have saved and scraped to be able to have these adventures and it has been so worth it. I smile as I write these words because I know just how special this time of my life is. I have no complaints only many thank you's. Life is short, so it might as well be interesting.
Yes I am on the road again, looking at the wonders of the world. Hey, wouldn't it be cool to make pilgrimages to see the 7 wonders of the world? I mean really.......
Not sure if I will be able to post while I am way, but I will try. If not, I will definitely post when I return.
So for now, Life Book 2013 and 29 faces of September are on hold until I get back. I will be capturing the beauty with pictures and in the deep recesses of my mind, I may even try to sketch a bit (not sure how that will turn out). But one thing I do know, I will soak up as much as I can. Wrap it up in my spirit and return home with a new zest for life and love for all of God's creations.
Well time to hit the road....later, Pilgrim