Monday, January 09, 2017

31 day Blog Challenge Day 9: One last look

Goodbye Christmas Village
Today the final vestiges of my Christmas Village came down.  Two months and one week of the beautiful life will be but a memory tomorrow.  Everything is stored away and the floor has been vacuumed.  I was truly sad to see it go; but new year, new things to do.

Feeling recharged and energized today.  Fell asleep yesterday about 6:00 pm and pretty much slept straight through until 4:30 am this morning.  This is going to be a busy week, I have a meeting of some type everyday until Friday.  I am also prepping for a class that I have to teach at church on Sunday Morning.  But, I have promised myself that I am still going to make time for some art even if it only 15 minutes.

Preparing for Paint Mojo

Christmas Tree Village has been replaced by a 30x40 canvas that I plan to work on during the Paint Mojo Class which will be taught by Tracy Verdugo.  I think I am going to work on a few smaller canvases; but this one which I have named Carter, will be my main focus, not so much to finish but to have as a visual representation of things I have learned and adjusted to make my own.

Starting Jane Davenport's free class tomorrow.  Should be fun.

see you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

31 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8: Purple Bandages

Sheer Beauty

Before I begin my story, I wanted to show this photo taken July 2016 on Bainbridge Island, Washington at Wacky Nut Farms.  The flowers, and I do not know the name of them, caught my attention and took my breath away.

Now to Purple Bandages....Today was Blood donation day at my church, St. Thomas More Catholic Community.  Twice a year we have blood drives and I try to participate.  In fact, I have been donating blood for over 30 years.  In that time period, I have had a big problem or at least I am a big problem for the technicians.  It is hard to find my veins.  I have had this problem my entire life whether it giving blood or just having blood tests drawn.  My veins are small and they do not want to cooperate.

So, today after completing my questionnaire, I was taken to the chair to get set up.  "what arm would you like to use?'  Normal question and my standard answer is "it does not matter, whichever one you can find a vein is the one to use?"  I have an uncanny knack of knowing who will be successful and who will be a bust.  My first technician while extremely nice was a bust.  We tried the left arm,  needle in arm and vein was found; blood started flowing very slowly and it was hurting.  My sweet friend tried to wiggle the needle to get a better flow; not a really good idea.  So one of the chief technicians was called (normal for me--get the big guns).  He looked the right arm,  probed for a few seconds and found a small vein.  Eureka!!!!!  With purple pressure bandage on left arm, we proceed to get the flow going fast and furious from the right arm.  Once completed, we decided that purple pressure bandage was perfect for the right arm so that I could be fashionably coordinated.  Keep these bandages on for at least 4 hours and no heavy lifting for the rest of the day.

I forgot that I was scheduled to be an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister today at the noon Mass.  Uh oh, really supposed to go home eat and rest.  Oops!!!  So I started praying, "Lord, please let me make it through this mass without getting dizzy or fainting."  I was really concerned; but he answered my prayers.  Made it through Mass, cooked dinner and am now laying down typing this missive.

Bandages removed,  left arm a little bruised, right arm perfect.  Someone in need of blood will be helped and that is all that matters really.

see you tomorrow.

Friday, January 06, 2017

31 day Challenge Days 5 and 6

OOPS!!!!! I got busy yesterday and I forgot to Blog, Whoa is me.....  So I am combining day 5 and 6 today.  there are a few cool things to tell and show.

First.  I am taking some free online classes this year and made journals for two of the classes.  The first class is an online devotional that happens every January and is presented by Jeanne Oliver.  This is the third year that it has been offered and I have participated each year.

The devotional for this year is called Salt + Light: Impact the world right where you are.  It reminds me of a phrase I happen to love, Bloom Where You Are Planted.  Below is the cover I painted on my devotional book which is a Composition book

Devotional book

The second is a year long project called Come To The Fire: a year long art journaling journey to your sacred self.  Since I really want to spend more time journaling and doing art in my journals, this is a great opportunity.  This journal is also a composition book; however the cover is painted christmas wrapping that is then used to cover the book like we used to cover our school books. The ribbons are used as page dividers.  The cover for the journal for this class is below:

Art Journal
I have changed the ribbons for this book because I did not like the bulk.  I love painting composition books and taking a $1.00 dollar store find and making it beautiful.

Next good news......I have been EXTREMELY blessed.  How you might say?  Well I will tell you. I won two giveaways.  You know there are many giveaways on Facebook sponsored by artists as they advertise their classes and products.  So let me tell you what happened.

I signed up for the Strathmore Artist Paper giveaway in December.  I did not hear anything so I forgot about it.  Well, let me tell you. Yesterday I was checking out the Strathmore Facebook page because i was trying to find out when/if the yearly free classes would start.  As I scrolled the page I came across the post that said CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS.  I always comment and congratulate winners of giveaways.  So as I am reading the names I come across Glenda BH.  Oh my goodness that is me I thought Glenda Barber Hoagland.  Then I realized that this was announced around Dec. 20th.  Oops, I never saw the email (how many want to be the notices went to my junk folder and I cleaned them out).  Anyhoo, I started a blanket notifications to Strathmore asking if I was still eligible.  I was ok I had missed my opportunity.  Well this morning I got a response from Strathmore (in my junk mail) and I paid attention this time.  They said there were glad to hear from me and yes they were going to send me the Package.  I am so excited and happy about this.  I am going to do a show and tell post when the package arrives.

The other prize I wan is a class taught by my friend Tracy Verdugo.  Tracy has an online class called Paint Mojo and she had an end of year giveaway for 6 artists to win a place in the class.  There are three days of giveaways and I won on the first day.  Oh boy, I am so happy for this.  The class begins on January 20th and lasts for six weeks.  2017 surely is off to a great start,

see you tomorrow.