Saturday, April 07, 2018

#100dayproject#100daysofwalking Week 1 April 2 to April 7th

Day 1a: April 2...I think I am starting a day early now that I think about it so this is practice day....

18 Stairs
The stairs in this photo lead to my apartment.  18 steps in all.  18 steps that lead to my participation in the #100daychallenge.  I have to walk down those steps to participate in #100daysofwalking.  This challenge is essential for my life.  So dear reader Wish me luck and I hope you will say a quiet prayer that I succeed.  I will be posting weekly my thoughts on this challenge.

Actual Day 1 of #100dayproject/#100daysofwalking  April 3...

Beautiful flowers on the route.
Saw these beautiful flowers on my walk.  Started out my walk with prayer and the Rosary.  Concluded the walk with a little Pat Metheny, love his music.  I am going to have to make a 100 day playlist.  I am painting in a journal snippet of what I see each day.  May post later.

Until tomorrow.....

Day 2:
I love blossoms
 Went for a wonderful walk this afternoon.  I normally like to walk in the morning, but I had a meeting so I had to make adjustments.  No excuses, this is too important.  There are a lot of nooks and crannies to discover in my neighborhood. Walked 2.09 miles.  Until tomorrow....

Day 3
Shopping buggy
This will be in two parts.  Grocery shopping first thing this morning.  Wanted to see the results  of everyday events in my life.  1.49 miles walk to the store, shopping the store and walking home.  This is good.  I may be able to get in 3 miles today when combined with my daily walk.....

I am now really determined to watch my eating after all of this walking.

See you later.

Day 3 part 2
Leaves are growing on tree outside of my house
2nd walk, really interesting.... 2.26 miles and a total of 10,000 plus steps today.  Oh joy.

Until tomorrow,,,,,

Day 4:  Morning Walk 2.20 miles; 6000 steps.

Tending Flowers

I was curious about the Corporate Business complex across the street from me, it is huge.  There is a cautionary warning here....Walking in parking lots can be dangerous when people are arriving for work...just saying.

Day 5:  Some days you have to fit it in when you can.  2.10 miles:  6000 steps

Roses in Bloom
Had a busy morning at church but was still able to get some walking in this morning and a really good walk this evening.  Walking to and from the Bus Stop really helps with getting in steps.

Observations from this week:

  • 100 days is a long time if you look at it as a whole; just take it one day at a time.
  • Keep it interesting; but don't angst over it.
  • Since this is going to be a way of life, relax and enjoy the process, this is not a race
  • I really like walking
Well, gonna get some rest.  Tomorrow is another day.  until next week.....pilgrim

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Catching up

I just realized that it has been a while since I have written a post.  That is unacceptable and I will have to work on that.  I was watching a Youtube video yesterday and the presenter said she was committed to posting  a new video every Tuesday.  I was inspired to think about making a commitment to myself to post on a regular basis.

For example, certain days of the week are designated projects in which I am involved.  Thursday is write memo to parents of Religious Ed Students; Friday is MOMS preparation and newsletter day; Saturday is empty trash and laundry day. etc.  So I need to pick a day and commit to blogging.  I am going to have to give it some serious thought.

So, to catch up.  What have I been doing artistically?  I have been participating in two year long projects.  Crocheting a granny square a day with the goal of making presents with the squared.  It has been really fun and good physical therapy.
Sample of granny squares

I also have been painting weekly journal spreads based on France Papillon's project paint a layer a day.  The project is designed to encourage daily art work.  It has been a lot of fun.  Some of the completed layouts are below:

These are not posted in any particular order, rather, they represent what I have been creating and let me tell you I am having a blast.

One week I created the cover for the journal.  There is a story about this cover.

The large butterfly was intended for the front and the smattering of butterflies for the back.  Well, I had the book upside down, so the big inviting butterfly ended up on the back and the smattering of butterflies on the front.  Instead of giving up or starting over, I added the word Transformation and some other items to enhance the smattering and it turned out better than I could have imagined.

I hope I can continue to create everyday even if just for 10 minutes because I have another goal that I am not going to talk about now, rather, I am going to let it marinate and I come to terms with what I want to do and how to pull it off.

Until next time,  have a blessed day


Sunday, December 31, 2017

End of 2017 Wrap up and Word for 2018

This is the final post of 2017.  It has been quite the year, lions and tigers and spiders, Oh my.  My year in Photo's

February: 29 Faces painting inspired by Klimt

April I thing, Learning to paint feet

June train ride to Michigan

Lauren's graduation

September the great spider war

October Inktober a month of doodles

November Christmas on a budget, made my wreath

December Christmas ornaments made for Secret Santa Swap, aren't they cute

This was a year of coming to terms with limitations, accepting life as it is, laughing at life and it many changes; trying new things and living.

2017 leaves the Pacific coast in 34 minutes; looking forward to a new year and new opportunities.

Major accomplishment, as of this morning lost 29.2 pounds.  Looking forward to continuing my healthy living journey in 2018.

Each year I pick a word for the year.  Something to be a guiding beacon.  My word for 2018 is a
formula to live by; Vulnerability plus mindfulness = Empathy.

Thank you for following me during 2017 and supporting my blog.  Here's to more posts and more adventures in arting in 2018.  Blessings to you dear readers and Happy New Year,

as always pilgrim.......

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December Adventure; Low Cost/No Cost

Christmas Lights at Ethel M's Chocolate Factory and Botanical Cactus Garden.  

Every year the cactus garden of Ethel M's is converted to a Christmas lights extravaganza with over 50,000 lights covering the various cactus plants.  It is a virtual feast for the eyes and the photo's do not do it justice.

This is the second installment of my Low Cost/No Cost adventures.  Touring the cactus garden is free.  There is a store/gift shop that has all sorts of chocolates.   My friend Marge and I decided to go this evening and just enjoy the sights; it was truly a lot of fun.

If you are a visitor in the Las Vegas Area, you can drive to Ethel M's (it is located in Henderson, NV) or you can take public transportation.  From the Strip you would take the SDX bus to the South transit terminal and transfer to the Sunset Bus (212) east.  Get off the bus at Sunset and Sunset Way; walk across the street and enjoy.  Since some of the Hotels on the Strip are charging parking, public transportation is a very viable option.

I will probably have one more adventure this month as I HAVE to go back to the Bellagio to see the Christmas display in the Observatory.

Add caption

Until next time, look for ways to enjoy your city no cost/low cost.  Share what you find out.

 Merry Christmas...pilgrim

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Low Cost/No Cost Adventures in Las Vegas

Hi, I am starting a new series about adventures in and around Las Vegas.  I initially thought of this at the beginning of the year and got busy with other things.  However, I have been doing a lot since my birthday and thought it was time to act.

Adventures on budget is really important to me, especially when living on a fixed income.  So for the next two years, I am going to be researching low cost Las Vegas adventures and posting about them here on my blog.  You dear reader can do the same thing in your city.  Let's get started

Bellagio Conservatory

My adventure today was to the Bellagio Conservatory.  The fall display will be closing on November 25th so I had to get there and today, Nov. 21st, was perfect.  Nice weather and it is FREE!!  I took the bus down to the strip and there is so much to see.  The Christmas display opens the first week of December and I am planning to visit it.

Photo's from this adventure:  Fall Display

Too the City Center Tram to the Monte Carlo Hotel and walked through the hotel on a quest to find the Strip.  Got a little lost but a nice guard gave me direction to walk through a really cute park that was across the street from the T-Mobile Arena.

T-Mobile Arena

As I entered the park, I saw men setting up the Christmas Tree display

Tree set up in progress.  Will be sure to take a photo of the finished product.

I did not spend any money on this adventure, took my own bottle of water (water is really expensive on the Strip).  Next time I am going to pack a light lunch and take a journal.  I think this is going to be a fun project and I am going to create a list of more places to visit.

Until the next adventure, peace and love....pilgrim adventurer.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

A Bright Spot on the Horizon

Let there be light
I have finally decided to work on journal pages from my own thoughts and desires.

This page started out with just the background of buff's and grays.  I loved the neutrality of the colors.  I sat with it for a couple of days trying to figure out where the page would take me.  As I listened to the news events of the week and the sadness from the shooting here in Las Vegas on Oct. 1st followed by the attack on innocent bicyclists in New York,  I wanted to bring a bright spot to my world.

The end result is this thought:  "No matter how bleak my world may seem....There is always a bright spot on the horizon."

until next time.....pilgrim