Thursday, June 25, 2015

Random Thoughts: I Forgive You

My Tears flow like a River
Dear Reader, I rarely if ever write about anything political or religious on my blog or any other social media.  The reason for that is everyone is allowed his or her opinion and I try not to put my thoughts/opinions on anyone and I do not want them to put theirs on me.

However, today I am going to write about being humbled by the happenings of Wednesday, June 17th in Charleston, South Carolina.  Nine African Americans were killed senselessly by a young man who was eaten up by hatred that he probably did not really understand.  You see his statement as he committed murder shows that he did not have a good understanding, "You have raped our women, we want our country back....."(paraphrased).  He was repeating something he had heard said by others.

We have not taken anyone's country, we are not predators roaming the country raising havoc and rapes, we are Americans who have worked just as hard as anyone else to achieve the American Dream.

There are people of all races and ethnicities who have done things (thefts, murders, a myriad of crimes) that no one is proud of.  There are people of all races and ethnicities who struggle to make ends meet,  There are people of all races and ethnicities that are billionaires and there are people of all races and ethnicities who are crying because of this tragedy, trying to make sense of it all.

Last Friday, June 19th during the arraignment of the killer, family members were allowed to make a statement.  There were a couple who did not want to make a statement and that was understandable.  I do not know if I would have been able to say anything; however, the majority stated "I forgive you."  One by one they said "I forgive you and may God give you peace to your soul."  What?????? What did they say???? Forgive, they were willing to forgive?  I immediately thought of Jesus on the Cross when he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Yes they were uttering words of forgiveness, and realistically those words started the process of bringing solace to their spirits.  Because if we cannot forgive, we will be eaten alive by anger.  Now does this mean that everything was hunky dory?  No, you see they will have to say "I forgive you" many times for it to permeate their spirit and give them peace; but at least they have started the process and that is most important.

Saying "I forgive you", will not eliminate anger, it will not erase the pain, it will not remove the shock and at times despair.  No, that takes a lot of time.  Saying "I forgive you", starts the process for the family members, the Church, the City and the Country to heal.  Saying "I forgive you", begins to negate the evil done, it pulls people together and it makes all of us think about who it is we need to forgive.

As I said, I do not normally express these types of opinions in social media; but this is my blog and this is something I need to say.  Hopefully, we as a country will begin to heal from all of the evils that plague us and learn that it is time for all of us to work together to make life better for all.

Until next week.....pilgrim.  Who know where my thoughts will lead, the flood gates have been opened.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Random Thoughts: first two weeks of June

Hello!!!!!  This post is going to be about the first two weeks of June.  For the past three years I have participated in a wonderful art project - Index Card A Day.  The fun begins on June 1 and continues through July 31, 2015.

Sooooooo here are the first two weeks of cards

Day 2 Chevron

Day 2 Carnival

Day 3 Map

Day 4 Message in a bottle

Day 5 Owl

Day 6  My kind of Taxi

Day 7 Periodic Table

Day 8 Grapefruit and Cherry

Day 11 Mango and Lime

Day 13 Blue Berry and Plum

Day 14  Black and White
It is a lot of fun working on these cards, looking at the prompt and coming up with ideas.

train station in black and white

chance to step off train for some air

beautiful scene from the train
The pictures above were taken as I traveled home from Michigan.  I love the train and this year I took the Southwest Chief which winds through the midwest before making a right turn into northern New Mexico and rolls through Northern Arizona.  In order to get to Las Vegas area, I detrained in Kingman Arizona, and took the shuttle to Las Vegas.  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Random Thoughts: Prom and Graduation - where did the time go?

Hello, hello dear reader, it has been a while since I wrote a post.  I have been on vacation.  I went to Michigan to spend time with my daughter and her family and attend the graduation of my grandson Kellen Michael Harris.  Kellen graduated from Dwight D. Eisenhower High in Shelby Township.  It was a really great time.

Kellen getting ready for the Prom

Kellen and Mom fixing pocket square

Kellen and baby sister Lauren

Kellen and the grandma's (Glenda and Mary)

Memories of the Prom
After graduation by his sign

Getting ready to leave for graduation

Kellen and Lauren
Time flies by so quickly.  I remember when he was born and now look at him, getting ready go to college in the fall.  He will be attending Michigan State University and plans to major in Secondary Education specializing in French.

We had great conversations about life and goals.  Cooking lessons on the best way to make chicken noodle soup and just laughed at silly things.  Lauren and I cooked pork chops.  The times were very special and I will cherish them always.

That is all for now dear friends more later.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Random thoughts April 26 to May 2

These photos represent what I call best of.  One was taken in Zion National Park and the bottom two are waterlogue app renditions o two photo's I have taken.

Last week was really a busy week, Bible Study, last day of Religious Ed, Pastoral Council Meeting and then Silent Retreat in Alhambra, California from May 1 to May 3rd.

Time goes by so fast.  I had a lot to do, post cards to make for a swap, Mother's day cards to make that I wanted to get into mail by May 5th; packing for two trips and continuing my purge of the house.

I really enjoyed the Retreat because it allowed me to slow down and just think and listen.

I will write more about the retreat next week.

Until next week, be well  pilgrim

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Random Thoughts: April 19 to April 25: I can no longer call myself a new artist.

April 19:

Busy day today between church and a meeting.  I love my slow cooker because when I spend time away from home, dinner is ready when I get home.  Did not do any art today.  Mainly relaxed after I got home.  Still pretty tired from yesterday.  The sun was really hot and draining on the walking course but I am so happy that I participated in the Relay for Life.

April 20:

Bible Study tonight and I spent a couple of hours preparing.  It felt good to answer the questions and reread the chapter.  I watched Wyanne's April videos (almost forgot about this class).  The technique and product used involved Pebeo Moon and Prisme Acrylic Paints.  I was really excited because I have these paints.  I took a class in January using the paints and setting them with 2 part resin.  I am not good with the resin because 1.  I am not the greatest with measuring and 2.  the smell is just too much.

Wyanne's technique used GAC liquid in place of the resin to set and give a good shine (woohoo).  She also said you can use spray varnish.  Be still my heart.  I will be working on a couple of painting this weekend.

Below is a picture of the painting I did during the class in January.

Pebble Moon and Prisme Painting
April 21:

Spent the day working on a candle for my MOMS new member for whom I have served as a prayer sponsor.  The candle is one that I lit when I prayed.  I had to think really hard on what I could do and the thought kept coming to me to collage with napkins that have butterflies.  The Butterfly is the symbol of MOMS.  It was fun and I blinged it up a bit.

I received my copy of A World of Art Journal Pages curated by Dawn Devries Sokol.  I am in the book.  It is both humbling and encouraging to be in this book.  I looked at each page and all of the art journal pages shown in the book and it is just amazing.  But what struck me the most was the caliber of the artist and the world displayed.  In this book you will find Jill Berry, Teesha and Tracy Moore, Jane LaFazio, Regina Lord, Lisa Myers Bulmash, Julie Brill-Molina and many more  These artists have been so kind to me and encouraging.  They are really talented and willing to encourage new artists.  Although I really have to stop calling myself a new artist, it has been five years since I attended ArtFest and I have been making Greeting Cards for over 30 years so I am a mixed media artist and it is high time I embraces it for all that it is worth.

Book Curated by Dawn Devries Sokol

Layouts in the Book - Page 209

April 22:

Decorated Candle
The candle above was decorated for Joanne, a new member of MOMS(Ministry of Mother's Sharing).  I have been her prayer sponsor for the past 8 weeks hoping that she and her group would mesh and that she would be spiritually uplifted by the Faith Sharing of the group.  

It was so much fun decorating the glass candle with a collage mixture of book pages and napkins with butterflies.  a little bling added to spice it up.

The candle was presented at the Celebration dinner tonight.  What a fine dinner it was.

April 23:

Started working on Pocket letters.  This was my first time working on a project such as this and it was pretty interesting.  My first step was to watch a couple video tutorials.   Since I am a visual learner, this step is really necessary.  Next step was to gather items to put in the pockets and start to decorate my ATC cards.  This was an all day project, and it was really fun.

Went to lunch with a dear friend and then a little dollar store shopping.

April 24:

Spent the first half of the day shopping at Michaels, Barnes and Noble and Sprouts.  I had a very limited budget so it was sale items along with a 20% off total bill coupon.  Had a great time and got some great buys that will help with the pocket letters plus some awesome border stamps.

Second half of day relaxing because I am going to a play tonight.

Oh the Play was a hoot.  It as a high school Play and these students are so professional and good.  It was a nice evening.

April 25:

JAMMIE DAY.  Decided to stay home today and finish working on a pocket letter that I needed to mail on Monday.  I cut my own ATC's and worked steadily for about 6 hours.  It is cold and rainy so it's really a perfect day to learn a new craft.  I have discovered that I really like pocket letters.  I have two more to complete by May 5th.

The rain is so refreshing, it has been a while since we have had an all day rain in the Valley.

I really enjoyed this week.......take care dear reader until next time...... pilgrim,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Random Thoughts: Week of April 12 to April 18: I am a Warrior

April 12:

I woke up this morning thinking again about where and how I fit in the art world when it hit me.  I have to keep giving myself permission to play.  I keep forgetting this aspect of life.  I have spent my whole life "preparing", wanting to fit in and realizing that I did not.  I was not the party girl, the socialite.  I was the quiet girl who drew pictures in her room, read books, played baseball better than a lot of the boys, wrote poetry and gave up the dream of being a writer because it would not pay the bills.

I was the teen mother who had to grow up quickly to take care of my child.  I worked hard and moved up through the ranks to a really good job.  I completed college at 49 and tried various crafts trying to find my passion.  I made cards but never had the confidence to try and market them.  I knit scarves with some of the most beautiful yarns and never sold them.  I continued to search and search.

But today, today was different.  I actually wanted to play, to just let go and be.  I went to my monthly art class and the topic was creating a mixed media layout.  It was fun to play, to try things that I knew how to do but always approached tentatively.  The circuit breaker tripped and the lights went out in our room but I continued working, splashes of paint here, rubber stamp there, stencil over there; finger painting,  just playing.  I am not finished with the page, I am waiting for it to tell me what it needs next and I know it will. In the mean time, I am mesmerized with the prospect of just playing and see where it all will lead.

April 13:

Started working on a project to make postcards.  They are little pieces of art and so much fun to do.  Tonight was also the first night of Bible Study and I think it is going to be very interesting.  We will be studying the Parables of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke).

April 14:

The children in Religious Ed were great today.  Having a Hangman Tournament and trivia game to review their lessons has been so much fun. They are so engaged and have really learned a lot.  At the present time the girls are ahead by 2 points.  Next Tuesday if the final game, cannot wait.

April 15:

Worked on my postcards are coming together, I love painting the backgrounds.  I am going to work on more backgrounds in my art journals also.  I just love the blending of the colors, and I want to experiment with various paints.  This should prove interesting.

April 16:

I have a pen pal, associated with National Letter Writing Month.  I decided to put together a happy mail box to send along with the letter and it was fun.  One thing I have found out about the National Letter Writing Month project, you meet some really nice people.  We have to remember that it is nice to receive mail as opposed to always getting messages via social media.  Please do not misunderstand, social media is cool and immediate; but it is nice to communicate the old fashioned way.  I love the mixture and it is so nice to get something other than bills and junk mail.

April 17:

I completed the post card I made for the Love Notes project.  No picture because my buddy has not received it as of this posting.  I need to get back in the habit of portraiture I have been slacking off and that is not good.

I am officially behind on LifeBook and DLP.  So many projects to work on I am a little overwhelmed.   But I will get myself together and get into it again.

April 18:

Another Saturday......Relatively quiet day, a little grocery shopping and then a little arting.  Loved the day.

Well, that is all for this week.  Take care and be well.