Sunday, November 06, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 5 - Rosy Cheeks

Rosy Cheeks
This is the first time in a long time that I have done a face.  I am still very insecure (and it is all in my head) when it comes to painting faces; however, I think I am going to practice more.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 4 - Smashing Pumpkins

Yesterday's painting was a coloring book page combined with a painted background.  Today's is an original painting using acrylic paint and a simple idea.  The one think I appreciate about this challenge is that you can use a wide mixture of media.

My second takeaway is that I am doing this for fun and to establish my daily art practice.  I am learning to be vulnerable and to take that vulnerability to the page.

Third, this month is about fun, I just want to have fun.

Pumpkins Running Away