Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Random Thoughts Tuesday: Blessings

I woke up this morning and the first thought that crossed my mind was how blessed I am. I thought about my life and all of the things I have done.  Things that I would never have dreamed of and a feeling of deep gratitude enveloped me.



Looking at these pictures taken on two separate trips, Italy in 2012 and China in 2013, I realize that they are but a small glimpse into why I am feeling such gratitude today.  Growing up I never dreamed that my life would take such a turn.  Living in Las Vegas, is like being on a permanent vacation.  It is very humbling to think of all of the blessings I have received and there are still more to come.  More exploring and adventures, more life to live and for that I am eternally grateful.
randomly thinking and grateful on a Tuesday morning....pilgrim

Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Anniversary: 30 Years of Card Making; 30 Years an Artist

February 14, 1984 I began a journey that has spanned 30 years.  The magnitude of which did not really hit me until this week.  Because of my dear friend and co-worker GeeGee Black I started making handmade greeting cards.
I wrote poetry and had been doing so since around 1965.  Most of it was kept private, but a few were shown to friends.  Anyway GeeGee asked me to write a Valentine's poem for her good friend and I said that I would.  She was also a great promoter of my talent so she solicited other customers and told them I could make a card to go with the poems.   Huh????? I had never made a card in my life.  To the rescue my other friend and co-worker Sue Karam.  Sue went to the Grosse Pointe Park Library and got a book on making cards for me to review.  It seems that the first greeting cards were made using paper doilies.  That was interesting, but I still did not know what to do.  As Valentine's day fast approached, I became more and more worried.  I decided that the best thing I could do was to write out some instructions and follow that plan.....
 I still have the book with the original orders along with the type of poem they wanted.  I developed 4 styles of cards using paper doilies and went to work.  It was fun but let me tell you those cards were not masterpieces; however, they were made with love.
Over the years I have made hundreds of cards for family and friends as well as designed my own cards for Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's day, etc. most for free or at little cost.  The amazing thing is that I never considered it art or myself an artist.  Truthfully, not even a poet.  I just did not embrace my talent and that is a shame.  But, but, but......it is never too late.  My last post was about my attendance at An Artful Journey and the paintings I conceived while there.  I returned home with a different mindset.  Not one of ego, but one of appreciation.  Appreciation for the fact that I was able to dig deep within and realize that I had been hiding my talents, just doing enough but not really exploring the depths of my being and getting to the core, the essence of what I can really do.  I mostly used my talents to help others.  I have a friend who got into nursing school partly on the essay I wrote on why she wanted to be a nurse.  The advisor said anyone who wants to be a nurse this bad should be in the program.
I have written a couple of  written Masters Thesis' for friends; college papers for friends and a document that allowed a friend to get 2 years of college credit using her life as a housewife to show how each task could be equated to a college course for credit.  It was so much fun helping friends and more or less honing my skills.
Now, I am at a stage in my life where I want to just be open and explore, Make my cards, paint my pictures, start to write poems again and just enjoy the artistic me.  I have always been good at promoting the gifts of others; but never myself.
I want to shout from the rooftops I AM AN ARTIST.....  Today I say Happy Anniversary to Me.  30 years of making art, here's to many more.  Thanks GeeGee for seeing in me what I did not see in myself.
until next time.....pilgrim

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Random thoughts Tuesday: An Artful Journey




The paintings above are the result of spending time in the foothills of the Santa Clara Mountains just outside of Los Gatos, California from Thursday Feb. 27th to Monday Morning March 3rd.  An Artful Journey 2014 was just that a journey,  


I spent a few weeks preparing my supplies for this retreat.  I looked at the supply list and had most of the items (no surprise since my house looks like a wonderful art supply store).  There were a few items I had to buy, absorbent ground, 3 18x24 gessoed canvasses, filbert paint brushes, a few more sponge paint brushes; and one more bottle of gesso.  That is it.  I packed up two priority boxes and mailed a lot of the supplies to make room in my suitcase for the canvasses and my clothes.  As the day drew near I really got scared.  How was I going to paint on such large canvasses.  I really wanted to take Katie Kendrick's class.  I had her book and wanted to really stretch myself and find the poetry in my art; but, 18x24?  I could barely paint in an art journal and all of my other work has been based on class assignments not thinking about something on my own.  Oh the horror of it all.  Well Feb. 27th came and I focussed on the fact that I would see my good friends Jenny Messerle, Michelle Unger, Gail Pfrommer, and Monica Moran.  It was a comfort to know that I would be among kindred spirits, so I got up at 4 am to make sure everything was packed (it was), house was clean (it was), garbage out (took it out), travel backpack ready with ticket where I could find it (it was)…..Larry my cab driver and friend arriving at 8 am (he did) and I was on my way.  

The flight was good, Gail and I met up at the airport and flew in together.  Shuttle service was there in San Jose waiting for us.  There were two cars because 6 of us needed rides (Gail coordinated the entire process and did a great job).  Met up with Annie Hooten (doesn't she have the best name) and all was well with the world.


An Artful Journey is held at the Presentation Center which is a wonderful haven in the mountains.  It is run by an order of Sisters and I can never remember it's name but trust me they are really sweet.  They ate dinner with us each night.  Anyhoo, this locale is magical.  There are walking trails, a labyrinth, and we even found the swimming pool (who knew).  There is a sense of peace that I wish I could bottle up and bring home.  We arrived around 2:30 and Cindy Woods, our director, and friends were ready to greet us with fruit, cake, smiles and the most wonderful books made by DJ Pettit.  Jenny, Michele and I roomed together in the Lower St. Anthony cabin.  This irony was not lost on me because last year I went to a silent retreat in Alhambra, California and was assigned to the St. Anthony room (need to read about St, Anthony during lent).

We took our supplies to our classrooms and prepared for dinner.  After dinner we had orientation and met our instructor/friends.  


On Friday classes began.  Katie greeted us with open arms.  Some of the students had taken her classes several times before.  This was my first.  Before we started painting each day Katie read to us about the wonders of the creative process and then we meditated and created a sacred space for our process.  It was a priceless experience.  Over the next few weeks I am going to talk more about each painting individually because it is important that I write about the process for each one.  However, working on the three paintings above was very emotional for me.  It was as if flood gates opened and the me that wanted to be released burst forth wide eyed and full of wonder.  It was very emotional and tears flowed.  Tears of happiness, tears of surprise, tears of humility and tears of joy.


I took my paintings to Small Church Community session last night because some friends wanted to see them.  They suggested that I should name them and it seemed right.  I am not going to explain now because the name may change; for today though, they all have a "working" title.

Well, this is getting long so I am going to end this post.  I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey…..TO BE CONTINUED……

Blessings and Love, pilgrim

Monday, February 17, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Monday before Tuesday.....

Portrait 15 of the 29 day portrait challenge

I went to a funeral today of a marvelous man.  He and his wife were very nice and welcoming to me as a member of our church, St. Thomas More Catholic Community.  I learned some great lessons as I listened to his son Brother John Eustice deliver the Homily in remembrance of his Dad.

First, Bob (that was his name, Bob Eustice) used a quote that I learned a few years ago and use quite often , "Bloom Where You Are Planted.".  These few words say so much about accepting life as it is exactly where you are.  I have had to call on this often in the past few years as I have tried to embrace the aging process.

Second, Bob was a treasure hunter, he enjoyed the process and it did not matter if he was successful at finding the treasure, the thing that mattered most was having fun.  As I listened to this in church today I thought about my art.  I post items on Facebook and in groups hoping that I will get comments or acceptance.  Sitting in that pew this morning I learned a great lesson.  It does not matter if I get approval, it does not matter if no one leaves a comment.  What does matter is this....how do I feel about what I have done?  The picture above Brings a smile to my face.  In fact I LOVE it.  I really do and that is what really matters.

Third and most important, be able to play and get along with everyone.  When what you do in life 
brings joy to you and to others, when you can all play in the same sandbox and get along....your life has been successful and that is my answer on how I want to spend the rest of my life.
I may not sell one painting, I may not paint or draw as beautifully as many of the paintings that I see, I may not even get it right, but as long as I am having fun, that is all that matters. 

So, I thank Bob, for his friendship, the words of wisdom that impressed his son so much that he shared them with us today.  I thank God for the privilege of getting to know Natalie and Bob
But most of all I am thankful that my ears were open to hear the words that spoke to my heart today and made it smile.

I think I am going to frame the picture above, it is calling me and I am going to answer.

Until next time..... 

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Week 4 lifebook

image by momoo50
image, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

I am participating in lifebook again this year.  This is a painting from week 4. Tried a new technique I learned from Donna Downey.  The flowers were originally white.  I painted them with gesso, then saffron yellow acrylic paint and covered with Utee embossing powder.  I really liked working on this page.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Finding My Way

"Many of us feel we cannot draw, even though as children we did."  This quote is taken from a book I just received The Confident Creative by Cat Bennett.  This one sentence says is all for me.  When I was a child, I would spend hours in my room drawing and creating.  I taught myself how to draft a pattern and made clothes for my dolls by hand.  Oh was that fun.  I taught myself to embroider and embroidered baseball themed pillow cases for my brother's room.

I found so much solace in these creative pursuits and for the life of me I cannot remember when it all changed.  I have a feeling it was a gradual progression of inner critic voices telling me that I could not draw, I could not sew,  I could not……  I often sit and think about this and try to figure it out, but nothing comes to me as some great incident other than the fact that I was riddled with strong self-doubt.  I just never felt good enough which is kind of sad because I know that I missed many opportunities because I did not believe in myself.

I have been working on two projects today (pictures to come later).  It took me most of the week to convince myself that I could do them and once I got started, I realized just how much fun I was having and how rewarding it was to at least try.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is very subjective.  Plus, and this is really big dear reader, if I continue to spend my time worrying about what others will think, I will never get anything done.  I had to ask myself why I am creating, why I am taking online classes and what do I want to feel at the end of the day.  These are very valid questions that have made me dig deep to see just what is it I want to do?  I do not have the answers today, they will be part of my journey through change/release for 2014.  I hope that I will have some sort of answers as the year progresses.

One of the online projects, Journal52, that I am working on this year had us make a simple journal.  On the cover I put the words OPEN UP which is part of my process, open up and let the creative juices really flow.  I find that I can be very closed and rigid.  Each line has to be just right, no coloring outside the line. Have precise guidelines….I realized where this comes from, I was a trainer, project manager, project analyst for nearly 30 years.  My life was project plans, meeting deadlines and keeping everything on track.  There was no time to plan, what with job, raising children and attending college.  Even when I made greetings cards which I love, I drew a project plan for making cards.  So as part of my year of change, I realized I am no longer a project manager.  My life does not have to be so rigid and structured, I can plan and have fun.  I can mix colors that are not supposed to jell.  I can draw a face with wonky eyes and most of all I can just play.

I think I am writing this today to give myself permission…..permission to really enjoy what I do and to open up to new and exciting possibilities.  There is no picture with this post today.  Do not need one.  I just need to listen to my words, embrace them, love them and live them.

So that is it for today dear reader…..I sure to hope that I follow my own advice during 2014.  We shall see.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

First Post of Year

Untitled by momoo50
Untitled, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

The photo being posted represents week 1 from Life Book 2014. I am going to try and post weekly this year. I have to be more confident in my work and embrace it as a real part of me.

I have many projects scheduled for 2014 and one of them is to continue to work on my art. My goal is to learn to paint faces with ease. Right now I think about it too much and become tentative. Let's see how it goes by December 31, 2014.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Random Thoughts Tuesday - Thoughts of China

I have not been able to really write about my time in China.  The picture above is a collage of some of the pictures I took during the 12 days that I was traveling.  I have an app on my iPad, called PicCollage and it is great for making collages.  But back to my topic.  I have not been able to figure out why I cannot find the words to describe all that I saw and experienced.

I have been asked by a lot of people what it was like traveling to China and the only word I can use to describe it is Paradox.  We visited Beijing, Xian, Chongqing, Yichang and Shanghai.  Each please had it own unique features.  For example, Beijing and Xian are steeped in History; Chongqing has numerous resettlement areas where the governments reclaims land and resettles residents to other areas. Shanghai is a relatively new city and as such it's history is pretty much modern era.  There are 25 million people in Beijing; 33 million in Chongqing and 28 million in Shanghai.  That is a lot of people.  Modern high rises are pretty much all you see in the city proper.  Street signs are in english and  chinese; people obtain cars either by lottery or auction.  Numerous American businesses are in Shanghai and the architecture is very modern.  HOWEVER....you cannot drink the water, you have to bring your own toilet paper, I will never forget the taste of warm Sprite (cannot use the ice).

How can a country that makes most of the products we use; is on the cutting edge of technology; and where tourism accounts for one third of its economy, not have clean and safe drinking water?  My mind is just boggled.  I need to go through my pictures and divide them into interesting categories that I can write about.....but for today it is just random thoughts and collage of some of my favorite memories.

Thanks for stopping by.  It is always great to welcome you to my blog.

Until next week......

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Random Thoughts Tuesday-Review of Stencil Girl by Mary Beth Shaw

image by momoo50
image, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

Today my post is a book review.  I pre-ordered a book months ago that was written by Mary Beth Shaw and it arrived last Thursday.  I did  happy dance knowing that I would be delighted with the contents of my friend's latest endeavor.  However, I need to step back a few years to explain how I met Mary Beth.

Late March 2010 I attended ArtFest as a 60th birthday present to myself.  I actually turned 60 in November of 2009, and sent in my registration for this wonderful Art Retreat as my present.  One of the classes I registered for was taught by LK Ludwig and involved painting backgrounds on paper.  I was very interested in the class because I love paper and wanted to find ways to paint paper that I would use for my greeting cards.  In the class LK let us use stencils she brought.  There was a set of stencils that the entire class literally lost their minds over.  I knew I had to have at least two, one that looked like a cluster of pebbles and one that looked like rows of intricate squares.  LK told us she was using Stencil Girl Stencils and giving them a test run in her class.  We could purchase them at Vendor night.  Oh my, I was sooooo geeked.  So, on vendor night, money in hand I made a bee-line to the Stencil Girl table (so did about 50 other attendees).  The scene was not pretty.  I started out at the front of the table and mid-choice I was pushed way to the back and in a blink, all of the stencils were gone.  To say I was devastated is putting it mildly (did I mention I absolutely abhor shopping in crowds?).  I guess the look on my face must have been pretty pitiful because Mary Beth actually talked to me, asked me which stencils I wanted and let me order them.  From that moment on she had an undying fan.

Fast Forward to today.  Last Thursday evening I sat down with a cup of hot chocolate and opened my copy of Stencil Girl: Mixed Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils. My initial goal was to read the book in one setting. I quickly realized that power reading would be an insult to this book.  The title says it all  Mixed Media Techniques.  It is divided into three sections.  After the Intro and supply list you will find:  Stencil Art, Stencil Décor and Stencil Fun. 

"Whether you are a beginning stencil artist or an old pro, this book will offer you some fresh ideas to expand usage of your stencil library.  Use this book as a starting point......It is my intent to provide you with inspiration that will spark even more ideas and propel you off into new directions."  This quote from Mary Beth is found in the Stencil This article at the front of the book.  It perfectly explains her purpose.  It is not to dazzle you with pretty pictures, it is to provide you with ideas by generously showing us her process. I am definitely going to try Spray it Again, Sam found on pages 66 and 67.

In addition to Mary Beth's step by step instructions, you will find pictures of stencil projects completed by artists such as Tracie Lyn Huskamp, Jane LaFazio and Joanne Sharpe.

I am not a professional book reviewer.  I have written reviews here on by blog of friends who have written books because I firmly believe that as artists (yes I finally called myself an artist), we must support each other anyway that we can. 

I am new to the art world and yet I have made so many friends who have encouraged me, taught me and inspired me to at least try.

You can visit Mary Beth's website, www.mbshaw.com, to see more of her marvelous work.

Well that is it for this week dear reader.  Have a thoughtful week and thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Random Thoughtts Tuesday: Work In Progress

Journal Page in Progress
I was wracking my brain trying to think of some random thoughts for this week.  It has been a busy morning as I begin to restart my purging project.  I cleaned out and consolidated a couple of large plastic tubs and was wondering what to do with the empty tub.  I decided it was time to start my Christmas box (light bulb moment) and I thought why not use the empty tub to house the items.  What is a Christmas box you may ask?  It is a box where I place Christmas presents as I either purchase them or make them.  This year I am doing a combination of hand made and purchased.  Then I look at the item, think about the family and friends I want to give a gift to and find the perfect item.  It is really a lot of fun and I have not done it in years.

Why start the process again?  It has taken me a year to accept that my life has changed drastically.  I am now living on a fixed income in a very unstable economy.  I really like to travel so I have to do more saving and be wise with my spending.  Plus, I have developed talents that I need to share.

I am a real work in progress, though.  Knowing that I need to be more cautious and actually acting upon it is quite a different thing.  It really takes pushing the ego aside and embracing life in a very different way. Understanding that "things" are not the way to a happy life. 

The journal page above is also a work in progress.  The paint on the page is from cleaning my brayer between uses on my gelli plate,  I was making backgrounds on Deli Paper for inspiration cards that I was making,  I have not finished the page which is a shame really because it has been calling to me for sometime,

Radical Wellness another work in progress, I started this process in May and it is really good.  It's purpose is to be mindful of my self care and really look at how I treat myself and my health.  I have been off track since Mid-September and need to give myself a boost so I can continue on the journey.

Art Doodle Love journal.  I was faithfully working in my journal and now it just sits....I think I see a tear running down its page from neglect.  Another work in progress, one more thing to give some attention,

Oh, I say that I do not have time, which is not true.  I am retired for goodness sake.  I do not have enough, I have too much, Excuses, excuses, excuses.....  So, what is a girl to do?  Take each day and enjoy it, plan something special like Knitting Monday, Crochet Thursday, Jammie Saturday.  Enjoy the process and finish at least one work in progress.

Thanks for stopping by dear reader.  What are your WIP's (works in progress)?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Random Thoughts Tuesday - Weekend Among Friends

Maryann our adventurous photographer
On October 1st I returned from China.  I was tired, jet lagged and road weary.  I also knew I had another trip planned for the 10th of October.  This trip had been planned for months, actually since January.  It was to be a reunion of the participants in the Adventures in Italy Art Retreat taught in September 2012 by Tracie Lynn Huskamp.  Tracie had invited the attendees to come to her home in Wichita, KS for a reunion of sorts.  We looked for the perfect time and all settled on October 10th through the 13th.

We had such a wonderful time in Italy that we were more than excited to connect again.  Three of us were able to attend, Debbie Smith, Maryann Villavert and Glenda Hoagland.  Tracie was such a gracious hostess.  She simply spoiled us with gifts, food and good company.  Her husband, Earl, was a very gracious host.  Earl was with us in Italy and was more than willing to accompany us on shopping excursions.  Ever patient and smiling as he held bags, listened as we swooned over the most delicious paper and had high tea on special afternoons.

How did we spend our weekend?  First we had crockpot lasagna on Thursday evening (it was tremendous), we opened gifts and just talked and laughed.  Oh, before I forget.  We were also introduced to the children of the family:  Annabelle, the cutest daschund; Beatrix and Millie two rambunctous pugs.  These doggies were so wonderful and full of fun.
Crockpot Lasagna, our first Dinner in Wichita - Yummy

Friday Tracie made us picnic lunches and we headed to the Flint Hills of Kansas.  On our way we stopped at the cow pends to take pictures of the prairie, it was fantastic.  Then we headed to the Flint Hills where we foraged for dried fall foliage.

 CATTLE PENS on the road to the Flint Hills
 The beauty of the Flint Hills

The Essence of the Prairie

Dinner on Friday was at Picasso's a pizzeria that specializes in large slices.  Each slice was indeed a work of art and I forgot to take a picture.

Saturday was art day.  Earl made pancakes and sausage for breakfast then we went to Michael's to purchase our shadow boxes.  We also went to the most exquisite Antique Mall to look for ephemera to go into the shadowboxes.  I could have spend days in the Mall, so many good things to see and discover.

We spent the afternoon creating our masterpieces and then went to Strouds for homestyle fried chicken.

Saturday night we all sat in Tracie's studio and talked, planned for 2014 trip to Orvieto and enjoyed a special time of fellowship.

In 2012 we were strangers coming together in Italy to take a class from a talented artist.  On that trip we realized that we were kindred spirits.  October 2013, the friendships were cemented into lifelong artistic buddies, sharing a love for art, history, antiques and beauty.  I know that we will find ways to get together often.  Thank you Tracie for being the catalyst for lifelong friendships and a love of art.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Ramdom Thoughts Tuesday on Wednesday - Making the Most of Life

Today is Wednesday, I forgot to post yesterday.  OOPS!!!!  Anyhoo.  In the past two days two very important things have happened.

On Tuesday I went to a funeral.  My friend Sheryl lost her beloved father in a tragic motorcycle accident.  William Spellman was a very special man and much loved.  I learned that he was born in Michigan which makes him very special to me.  He was a lover of Notre Dame (ok, I will allow him that indulgence), a lover of his daughters and his grandchildren.  He has one grandson, Jacob, who looks so much like him it is uncanny.  

I spent the rest of yesterday thinking about how precious life is and that we have to do everything that we can to make it as pleasant and useful as possible.  I know that William did just this. He enjoyed life to the fullest and his love of humanity is very evident in his close knit and loving family.  I met his aunt and uncle at the reception after the meeting, we had a long and enjoyable conversation.  Thinking of them now smile they lived in Michigan, New Jersey, Florida and currently Las Vegas, they live a great life and were so pleasant.

I came home humbled and resolved to continue my goal to live my life to the fullest.

Today, Wednesday, I had my annual checkup with my breast surgery oncologist.  Leading up to the visit is always a little nerve wracking as you do not know what the results of the mammogram will reveal.  Thankfully the mammogram was clear.  No change in the past year.  Thank You Lord.  I have been on this journey for 2 years.  My last Radiation treatment was October 11, 2011 so I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary.  Again my thoughts moved to making the most of the time I have left on this earth.  I sincerely believe that having a positive attitude and doing the things that you love have a very healing affect on ones life.  At least in my case it is working.  I find that my desires and needs are changing.  I am in need of slowing down so that I can truly enjoy those things that mean the most to me, what I find is becoming my passion.

Dear reader, tomorrow is not guaranteed.  What you do today may be that last thing that you do, what do you want it to be.  you may not get a chance to say I love you tomorrow----say it today.  You may not be able to forgive tomorrow---forgive today.  You may not be able to say THANK YOU tomorrow--say it today.

Dear Reader, Love, forgive and say thank you....do not put it off any longer.

So...I love you, forgive myself and say thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Random thought Tuesday blessings

image by momoo50
image, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

I arrived home today from a 12 day trip to China. The image posted today is of a portion of the wall that surrounds the city center of Xian, China. The wall was built thousands of years ago to protect the city,

The thought of today is that last week I was in China and today I am home. How blessed I am. It is going to take a while for me to process all that I experienced. There is so much to tell. So many pictures to review and edit. Thus photo was taken with my iPhone.

There will be mane more posts over the course of the next few weeks. I think this trip has changed me. I have so much appreciation for my life and all of my experiences.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

China trip 2013 travel journal

China travel journalTravel journal made by See Jane RunInside of travel journal

China trip 2013, a set on Flickr.

Wanted to post copy of the journal I will be using on my trip. Let me tell you this is the first thought I had for a journal. I purchased it in February at An Artful Journey vendor night from Jane of See Janr Run.

I agonized over what to use for weeks. Last night it came to me, use the book you see, it is light weight, colorful, has the paper I like, envelopes to collect data and 4 sections that will capture each segment of this adventure. I am so excited.

Random Thoughts Tuesday: On the Road Again

The Willie Nelson song is floating around in my head.  I am getting ready to leave Sept. 18th for the trip of a lifetime.  It seems so weird to me, but it is so true and I am so blessed.

I am going to CHINA.  Just typing those words gives me chills.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would be able to do and accomplish many of the things I have done in my life.  If you ever want to see evidence of the Lord working in someone's life, I am the poster child for it.

In the past 19 years I have been to France, Italy, Hawaii, Switzerland, Monaco and many of the Caribbean Islands.  I have seen many of the states in our own country, I have taken train rides through he Rocky Mountains, through the Alps, through New Mexico and the Appalachians of West Virginia.  I have been to Art Retreats in Port Townsend, Washington, Los Gatos California and Orvieto Italy.

I have saved and scraped to be able to have these adventures and it has been so worth it.  I smile as I write these words because I know just how special this time of my life is.  I have no complaints only many thank you's.  Life is short, so it might as well be interesting.

Yes I am on the road again, looking at the wonders of the world.  Hey, wouldn't it be cool to make pilgrimages to see the 7 wonders of the world?  I mean really.......

Not sure if I will be able to post while I am way, but I will try.  If not, I will definitely post when I return.

So for now, Life Book 2013 and 29 faces of September are on hold until I get back.  I will be capturing the beauty with pictures and in the deep recesses of my mind,  I may even try to sketch a bit (not sure how that will turn out).  But one thing I do know, I will soak up as much as I can.  Wrap it up in my spirit and return home with a new zest for life and love for all of God's creations.

Well time to hit the road....later, Pilgrim

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 13 of 29 faces challenge - Photo Friday

Day 13 of 29 faces challenge by momoo50
Day 13 of 29 faces challenge, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

I have been participating in a project called 29 faces challenge in September.  I have been posting faces daily.  Some have been recently drawn and some were drawn earlier this year.  I have learned a lot and been working on art daily.  I think I am improving, but there is still along way to go.  Having fun with the process.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inkblot butterfly week 37 life book

Inkblot butterfly by momoo50
Inkblot butterfly, a photo by momoo50 on Flickr.

This mixed media painting represents harmony, my word for the year.

Random Thoughts Tuesday - No thought at all

Sometimes there just are not any profound thoughts or words coming forth.  There has been so much going on in the last few days, friends diagnosed with Cancer, the world on the verge of war, Civil Wars in the middle east so much pain, so much confusion, 

I just need a space with some quiet, some space with a little peace.  Sometimes I wish everyone would just go somewhere, sit down, shut up and PRAY!!!

That is as random as I can get today.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Photo Friday - this week in art.

Day 6 of 29 days of faces challenge

This painting is based on  lessons from Mindy Lacefield.  The face is very simple.  It is drawn on an index card (I was participating in the index card project sponsored by Daisy Yellow).  In trying to find my voice, my artistic voice, I find that I like simplicity and a bit of whimsy.  Yep, that is just me.