Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Blogging Schedule......

My Blog schedule will be as follows: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
On Sunday I will post the theme for the week.
Tuesday and Thursday's blog posts will be about new journey experiences based on Scriptures and favorite quotes related to the theme for the week.
Friday I will answer comments and repost thoughts written early in my journey.

I will be writing my blog posts for Tuesday and Thursday on Sunday afternoon and schedule
them for the week. I will be writing Friday's Blog on that day.

Why repost thoughts written early in my journey?  For may years many of my family members and friends have asked that I digitize and share some of my earlier thoughts on line.  Before this class I was at a loss and truthfully afraid to make the attempt. 

I went to Alabama in August to visit a friend and attend her daughter's wedding.  She called me a couple of days before I was to leave to say that her husband wanted me to copy a couple of thoughts and bring them because he enjoyed them so much.  The Lord truly has a way of opening doors because I had already registered for "Blogging 101" so there would be no excuse.  This is the perfect vehicle for me (my writing Mercedes if you will); I have a map and it is time to go.

A few words about answering comments on Friday.  Answering comments had not crossed my mind (probably again the fear that no one will read or be interested.  I know, I know I am working on that).  I read Barb's schedule and realized it was such a great idea, so I "borrowed" it.  Thanks Barb.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Alaska....Serenity at Sea

The picture above was taken from the veranda outside my room on the Alaskan Cruise I took in July. The ship floated slowly through the Endicott Arms Fjord providing unimaginable photo ops. The naturalist on board explained that we must be good stewards to protect the fragile ecosystem. As a result, the engines were cut to minimum speed, no announcements were made so as to keep the noise level as low as possible.
My room mate and I stood on the veranda for hours taking pictures. We were in absolute awe. There were dozens of waterfalls; lush green pine trees; mountains covered with snow; whales and dolphins following the ship and glaciers with the most beautiful bluish hue.
The black tracks that run down a glacier are the marks that show where two or more glaciers merged.
I truly felt like a pilgrim on this trip while exploring sights I had dreamed of for years. My spirit was lifted that day as I did what one of my favorite Hymns suggests...."Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


"Some choices are easy, such as deciding to each a banana or take a walk; some choices are harder like whether to sell your stocks or wait out the storm." Each day we have to make choices.

Each Tuesday I have the privilege of team teaching 15 second graders who are preparing to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receipt of Holy Communion. These children are so fresh and honest. Some fidget in their chairs; some have to resist being a "tattle-tail"; some want to be our helper and others want to be your best friend. Most of all they want to learn.

Today we talked about making choices...the choice between right and wrong and how hard that can be even for a seven year old. Think about it.

I come from a small family. It was just my parents, my brother and I. My brother and I were 364 days apart...we were the same age for 1 day. I was pretty much the "goody two-shoes" of the family mostly because I didn't like spankings. My brother on the other hand would try to get away with as much as possble.

When you grow up in a family with only two children there is a dynamic that can be rather bothersome. The "I did not do it" syndrome." My brother had a great habit of making the wrong choice. Draw on the wall--He did it. Dig into the wooden table with a knife...he did it. Eat Daddy's piece of pie...HE DID IT. There was just one problem, he would never admit it. It would go something like this..."Kenny did you draw on the wall? No, Mommy I didn't." "Glenda did you draw on the wall? No Mommy I didn't." "Well someone did so you both will get spanking." "Kenny did you eat your father's pie? No, Mommy." Glenda did you eat it? No Mommy." "Well some one did...." Are you starting to get the picture.

So, one day, my brilliant brother was batting marbles and broke the storm window. I looked at him , at the window and made one of my most outstanding choices to date. I was not taking a spanking for this one. No way Jose. This was major. I went to the living room, sat down in the most comfortable chair I could find and waited.

Daddy came home first. With all of the gusto and innocence I could muster I pointed and said "He did it, you will see it and when you do, He did it!!!!" That evening my brother got the spanking of his life while I munched on ice-cream and cookies. Ah, the glory of it all. Choices.....

Have all my choices worked so gloriously? No. Have I had to learn hard lessons because of my choices? Yes.

I look into the eyes of my 15 weekly charges and realize that some will remember the lessons we teach them this year. Some will forget and some will simply ignore it as they move through life. They will all at some point have to choose between right from wrong; between happiness and sadness; between obedience and disobedience....

We all have to make these choices every day. I told the children today that when they don't have anyone who can help them when making choices, simply pray. Pray for the strength to make the right choice. I need to follow that advice, how about you?


Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Let Fear and Negative Thoughts Cloud Your Way

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1


For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.


Saturday October 9th 1:30 pm Pacific Time....Teacher states with glee "Each of you is going to leave class today with a completed landscape of the oceanside." My first thought was Suuuurrrreee I will. Me who cannot draw a straight line will paint a landscape.

Fear sets in, what was I thinking signing up for an Acrylic painting class? I did look good sitting there with all of my "appropriate" tools. The right paint brushes; all of the paints listed on the class sheet. Two buckets of water, masking tape, everything I needed except TALENT.

I almost talked myself out of a great experience. I was about to succumb to the menace that has haunted me most of my life. "I am just not good enoughitis." Not good enough to even try. Not good enough to follow the advice I have given to so many others. Now, is it just me or do people who are so busy encouraging others forget to follow their own advice?

I made the first brush strokes laying down the background color and it looked pretty good, of course I forgot about the rule of 3rd we had just learned but it was fixable. Next came the waves, the outlines of rocks, and my light house that looks more like a bowling pin. I made clouds with my fingers and white caps for waves with a sponge and gesso. I was having so much fun. I was learning to allow my self to play. It did not have to be perfect. I did not have to be afraid, I just needed to "chill out " and let the juices flow.

On my way home I knew I wanted to write on this blog about this experience. I do not drive so I was on the bus proudly carrrying my painting taped to my drawing board. One of the passengers noted my "Masterpiece" and stated how nice it was. That sealed the deal, I had to put this experience on my blog. I wanted a scripture to reflect my thoughts and this morning it came to me, the verse above from Second Timothy. I always tell my friends the God had given us all of the tools we need to accomplish the things we need to accomplish. We just have to use them. We just have to get out of our own way. Time to follow my own advice again....

I could have looked at my first attempt and went "YUK!!!!" I could have said, "Told You so." I could have done the cowardly thing and hidden the painting you see above. But, if I am to live by the scripture written above, I needed to pay homage to my very first attempt at a landscape. I needed to look at it with pride and see where does it need a tweak and a nip and get busy creating.

Gabby our teacher reminded us that in three hours you are just going to learn the basis, you are not going to become Picasso. I just have to enjoy the process, smile with pride and play, play, play.


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Friday, October 08, 2010

How do we receive God's Guidance?

The theme for today's thought is Guidance. Scripture reference Psalm 25:4

"Show me your way, O Lord, teach me your Path."

Thought: "Teach me O Lord what I am to learn, grant me the strength to do what you ask." Over thirty years ago a friend told me to say this short prayer and the Lord would show me what to do. I didn't think of it then as guidance and I was not very good at following the advice.

When things were going good, I just went along my merry way living and running full speed up and down the freeway of life. When trouble reared it's ugly head I would forget to call on the Lord for guidance. I worried myself into an ulcer; made many false starts with possible "solutions" and was pretty miserable.

Once I took the time to stop and breathe (sometimes voluntarily and sometimes through force), the simple words of guidance would come to me..."each me Lord what I am to learn, grant me the strength to do what you ask". Hmmm such a simple concept and yet so easy to forget or more truthfully ignore. You see I also am a bit of a "chicken". What if the message was something I did not want to hear, something I didn't what to do? Ignoring God's guidance didn't seem like a good idea, so it was better not to ask.

"Show me your way, O Lord, teach me your path." Simple concept, yes. Easy, not always. Have I learned to make this simple request more frequently ? Yes, I have. Do I still relapse? Yep. Do I keep on trying? You know it, isn't that what Spiritual growth is all about?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Starting Fresh

I will be taking a class on blogging starting October 4th for 5 weeks. After that time, I hope to be able to make regular posts. I suppose taking a class may seem like a wimpy process to veteran bloggers; but I am a very visual person. Once someone shows me how to do something I have it. That is why I absolutely love, love, love YouTube, I can watch videos and get really good instructions.

So, watch this post as I continue on my journey.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

July 20, 2006 - A Bumpy Road

As I begin the first post to my new BLOG (I admit I am a blog virgin). I was thinking about the events of today and the feeling that I usually get when the politics of "denominational" churches makes me want to run and hide.

Jesus stated in so many words that a prophet is not honored in his own town. In fact when He was preaching one day, someone asked who he was and the reply was Jesus of Nazareth. The questioner commented that nothing good came from Nazareth. So if He was not respected; what chance does a poor pilgrim like me have?

I find that I am most at peace when I am not part of a formal religious setting. Why this is the case I am still trying to figure out. Hopefully, I will get some glimpse of an answer soon.